Griffin Spolansky of Mezcla – Bringing Flavors Of The World Into A Healthy And Crunchy Snacks
In this episode, Griffin Spolansky shared how he went from listening to a guest lecturer in a social entrepreneurship class to launching a vegan protein bar. Griffin Spolansky of Mezcla At such a young age, Griffin Spolansky is growing his first CPG brand and is...
Cynthia Plotch of Stix – Transforming Women’s Health Experience With Education & Authenticity
In this episode, Cynthia Plotch shared how she created a physical product and digital education that started from her personal horrifying experience. Cynthia Plotch of Stix Cynthia is the co-founder of Stix and was recently named one of Inc’s 100 Female Founders of...
Josh Howard – Creating An Eco-Friendly Brand That Is Fun & Funny
In this episode, Josh Howard shared his journey of creating a cool, fun and funny brand of sustainable products. Listen in to hear how he was able to have his biggest ever month in August. Josh Howard of Single Use Ain’t Sexy Josh is the CEO and founder of...