In this episode, Josh Howard shared his journey of creating a cool, fun and funny brand of sustainable products. Listen in to hear how he was able to have his biggest ever month in August.
Josh Howard of Single Use Ain’t Sexy
Josh is the CEO and founder of Single Use Ain’t Sexy
‘Single Use Ain’t Sexy’ is an Australian sustainable hand soap brand.They use dissolvable hand soap tablet and reusable glass bottle designed to save single-use plastic soap bottles from landfill.
When you buy just one of their glass bottles, you can save up to 25 single-use plastic bottles from landfill every year.
Don’t Miss
2:20 How Single Use Ain’t Sexy came about
4:00 Creating an eco-friendly brand that is cool, beautiful and fun
5:45 Takeaways from working in the media industry
8:40 The biggest reason why Single Use Ain’t Sexy had their best month in August
10:25 Transitioning the world into more sustainable products
12:10 Building a brand that people adore so much
13:50 The single most powerful piece of real estate you can create yourself, and it’s free
15:10 How Josh came up with the brand name Single Use Ain’t Sexy
Connect with Josh Howard & Single Use Ain’t Sexy
Don’t be a tosser! Check out for reusable glass bottles and dissolvable hand soap tablets.
Follow @singleuseaintsexy on Instagram.
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