“You guys might be more successful than you realize, and if you end up doing so, you need to have a plan” tells Connor Wilson about the best advice he received from his early mentors.
Connor Wilson of Thursday Boot Company
Connor is the Cofounder and Executive Chairman of Thursday Boot Company.
He started this business with his Cofounder and CEO Nolan Walsh out of a NYC apartment back in 2014. With no prior experience and only their personal savings,
the two of them embarked on a journey to bring quality back to footwear by combining classic craftsmanship with modern technology.
Today, Thursday is a leading American e-commerce brand offering men’s and women’s footwear and accessories that emphasize quality, comfort and versatility.
I’m fascinated with how they approaches sustainability and how they’re constantly innovating and improving. It even caught the attention of a big brand competitor. With more brands innovating like Thursday, it will inspire big brands to adopt sustainable practices and change the world for the better.
Don’t Miss
2:20 Story behind the starting a boot company and how the name Thursday came about
4:30 Thursday’s approach to sustainability when they started their journey
8:10 Sourcing and working with the best suppliers for high quality products
10:45 Connor’s experience spending time with the cows in the farms
13:20 Undersell and overdeliver when approaching sustainability
15:30 Thursday’s vision in 1-2 years time
17:25 Focus on making 3% improvements
20:00 Catching the attention of big brand competitors
21:10 Preparing for success
24:50 Get yourself a pair of boots from Thursday
Follow Thursday Boot Company:
Check out their website at thursdayboots.com and get yourself a pair of footwear
Follow their Instagram for men’s boots @thursdayboots
Follow their Instagram for women’s boots @thursdays
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